Link Shorteners are lifesavers for online businesses, especially for the smaller ones. These days, no one wants to see an unbranded, lengthy URL. They not only look suspicious, but you could hardly call them professionally. People are accustomed to clicking on branded links.
However, spending money on a link shortener doesn't seem essential when you're on a tight budget. So, most starting or small businesses use no-name link shorteners (the sites where you're typically bombarded with ads every step of the way). This decision, however, could be a big mistake.
These are five reasons why you should stick with link shorteners you can trust.
1. They Can Change Their Policies Anytime
Let's say you're cautious. You have a clue that no-name link shorteners don't have a reputable brand for a reason. So, you do your research and your due diligence. You comb through their policies (if they have any), and after a thorough reading, you decide to use their services.
Unfortunately, most of the time, policies at such sites mean little. They are subject to changes. These are even more of a common problem for completely free link shorteners. Reading the fine print means nothing when the fine print can change anytime without repercussions to your service providers.
The sad reality is that most people who use such shorteners don't bother to read the policies. This carelessness can result in problems in the future—problems that hurt revenue and reputations.
2. They Might Close Down or Deactivate Your Links After Some Time
Without a stable and established reputation, most link shorteners do not have a solid financial foundation. The possibility of them closing down or letting go of a few services is a worry everyone has. Such clients could even end up losing revenue in the long run.
Isn't it ironic? Some people go for no-name link shorteners because they're cheap or completely free, but they could even lose more money, a good reputation, and clientele when their links lead to page errors.
3. They Can Change Their Pricing Unexpectedly
Pricing is where reading the fine print becomes significant. Many link shorteners will advertise an incredibly cheap price (sometimes an even completely free deal) only to raise it subtly and screw you over later.
This sneaky ordeal isn't new. It's a legal technique, no matter how unethical it may seem. For example, they may claim to cost a dollar. They show you an array of services, and you can't believe your luck.
Only, it isn't luck. The "Terms and Conditions" you didn't want to read have screwed you over.
A study from Digital Journal found only 1 percent read the "Terms and Conditions." Several companies will take advantage of these, sneaking a clause about price hikes. Before you know it, your card is getting charged higher.
4. They Might Sell Your Traffic or Information to Other Third Parties
As previously stated, in most cases, no-name link shorteners do not have a regular customer base. Most people who use them never even bring out their credit cards. This begs the questions: "Where do they get their revenue?" and "How do they pay for their site and the people who operate it?"
There are three answers to these questions. They could be a non-site with outside support (this is an extremely rare case). They could be collecting money through ads. And finally, the third and worst possibility is that they sell your traffic or information.
Perhaps this is the biggest reason you should reconsider using no-name link shorteners. Imagine using a free link shortener to cloak your links to prevent the commission from your affiliate links being stolen only to have them sold.
In this case, the link shortener will have received money from you and a person stealing from you. You'll end up getting the shortest end of the stick! They could also end up selling your information to the black market.
Such are real possibilities. They've already happened to other people. Learn from their mistakes and invest in a link shortener that is safe and ethical.
Why You Can Trust

Fortunately, some alternatives are completely safe. There are link shorteners that have proven to deliver time and time again. One link shortener that you may want to consider is Trusted by massive and established brands, only has green flags. currently drives over 20 million daily redirects from over 400 thousand customers. We've also been used by major brands and companies, like Panasonic, Ikea, Universal Music Group, and Raspberry Pi. If these big institutions can trust, you can too.
Our policies remain constant and transparent. You can read them anytime, and they often update clients on necessary changes. With business flourishing, your links are safe from deactivation. Our pricing is also stable and fair, with a ton of free services you can avail of too. More importantly, all your links will last forever—even if you're on the Free Plan.
As for reliability, we provide a 99.9% SLA on the Enterprise Plan, report on downtimes and progress on solving any issue on, and regularly check dependencies and open vulnerability reports for any issue to either ensure we aren't affected or that we've immediately switched to a safer solution should any problem appear. also has features that can protect your affiliate links. So, you can cloak as many affiliate links as you want, and rest assured that the traffic of your hard work and commission goes to you. We also have strict privacy policies enforced, so your data is safe.
Plus, if you think's pricing will break the bank, think again! gives you options, and every price plan has reasonable pricing. In fact, if you're on such a tight budget, you can start using Short with a free plan. Offers More Than Just Security
Yes, protects your links and data, but those are minor things. With, your links aren't just things people click to get to your website. They can be spies, assistants, advertisers, surveyors, and more.
You can gather data from your audience, organize them, advertise your services, and conduct tests to get the desired results. Check out today and see how its arsenal of features can help you get the future you and your business need.