Here’s Why Redirects Are so Important to the Online Brand

Links are scattered everywhere across the internet. From the millions of posts shared across Facebook to the links passed on to you via email, links have been an essential tool since the dawn of the internet. The idea is fairly simple. When we click a link, we expect our screen to transport us to a different place on the internet.

There are times, however, when links fail us. Fortunately, redirecting links is an available and easy solution to this problem. Let’s check out why learning how to redirect links is an asset anyone looking to expand their online presence should learn.

What Is a Redirect?

A redirect is a way to push through traffic from one URL to another when the primary and original URL no longer works or has expired. So when you post a link that’s no longer valid, a redirect is available to make sure you get your users to where you want them to be.

With available jobs surfacing online, businesses popping up, and influencers with all their posts and affiliate links becoming increasingly relevant, learning how to redirect links could prove to be more and more valuable. Here are a few reasons why learning to redirect links could be beneficial.

Never miss opportunities

When you decide to move on to a different domain and previous links you’ve posted no longer apply, you’re not only abandoning a few characters and a page; you’re also abandoning the engagement you could’ve gotten.

Think about it. Suppose you’re promoting something everywhere across social media, and you suddenly need to switch to a different website or change your website’s link’s name altogether. In that case, all the traffic you could’ve received from that promotion gets lost. Users that were interested may assume you have shut down.

Not only that, but if you’d want people to reach your new domain with its new link, you’d have to advertise them again. That would cost you your time, efforts, and in some cases, money.

When you redirect your URLs, you ensure every opportunity is taken, every client is serviced, and people can get to where you need them to be without wasting time and effort on your previous work.

Avoid Disappointed Potential Clients

A link that leads to nowhere doesn’t only lose your traffic; it also loses you points for professionalism and trust. Many people are already generally skeptical and guarded when it comes to online services of businesses. Horror stories of scams and viruses are spread across the internet, lurking in the back of their minds.

So what impression would you leave if they stumble upon one of your links and find an empty page? It wouldn’t be a good and competent impression, that’s for sure. The most successful and established brands ensure their client is greeted with the best services, which hardly includes an expired link.

When people click on a link, there’s a bit of interest and expectation. To be met with an empty page or the common “404 not found, service error” is disappointing and quite vexing—both emotions you do not want to be tied to your brand.

Apply Changes or Improvements Seamlessly

Change and adjustments are a certainty when it comes to online work. It’s all about adjusting to your client’s needs or keeping up with the changes on the internet. This is a blessing and a curse. While change keeps things novel and exciting, it also means there’s room for error and an empty page. If your website suddenly crashes or is in dire need of an update, redirects are here to help.

A redirect is a wonderful way to momentarily direct your clients to another page while you’re applying changes on your main website. While you make adjustments to your main page, a redirect will allow you to bring your clients to another page—one that still serves them while the main website is working on issues.

When it comes to professionalism, there are no breaks. The slightest inconvenience could deter a user from getting to your site. Redirects are a great way to ensure that your clients are ready to be received online all the time.

Renaming or Rebranding Your Websites

Often, as brands grow and expand, possibilities open up. Opportunities to merge with bigger and more prominent companies may arise. Giving your brand a whole new makeover (accompanied by a whole new name) is also a possibility. And even recently, the trend to go green has also influenced the names and visions of companies.

As previously stated, change is a certainty. This is why garnering a whole new look for your online brand can mean a new name and a different theme for your website. However, you’d be hard-pressed to emphasize that this change is an improvement when they click on an old link and are directed to your old, abandoned website or an expired page.

That is where redirects come in. You no longer have to worry about others using an old link or site as they will be redirected to your new website. After all, you wouldn’t want your clients to miss out on your new name or your brand’s whole new look. Redirects You towards Success

Redirecting links is a task made easier when you subscribe to services that specialize in links and all the hidden gems and features these links present. When you use URL shortening services like, you are not only making redirects a simple task, but you are opening yourself to all the advantages the short, rebranded link presents. Make sure to check out all the services available.

A Welcoming Site and Future

Redirects are an outstanding feature available in companies that provide link shortening services. However, link shortening services offer various features that help you in virtually any occupation. From making your links look on-brand to providing you with accurate statistics and information, a short link is a powerful tool worth considering and investing in.

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