How to Hide Page URLs and Make Their Links Expire

How to Hide Page URLs and Make Their Links Expire

If you're striving for success in online marketing, sharing links is paramount. Yet, grappling with lengthy and convoluted URLs can prove a formidable challenge. The significance of concise and secure links cannot be emphasized enough.

Enter link expiration and URL masking, two indispensable tools that simplify this process and strengthen online marketing's safety.

These tools, offering security and user-friendliness, are essential knowledge for today's marketers. Let's explore how link expiration and URL masking can enhance your online marketing endeavors, simplifying your strategies and safeguarding your online presence.

Phishing Prevention

Phishing attacks have grown remarkably sophisticated. Attackers continually employ deceptive links to capture unsuspecting victims in their schemes. Here, URL masking emerges as a formidable defense. URL masking erects a substantial barrier for malicious actors by concealing the true nature of web addresses.

When URLs are shrouded, it becomes a formidable challenge for attackers to fashion counterfeit links that convincingly mimic authentic websites. Consequently, the risk of individuals succumbing to phishing scams significantly diminishes. The practice of URL masking stands as a vital shield against the ever-present dangers of online deception, enhancing digital security for all.

Social Media Aesthetics

Social media has evolved into a powerful hub for advertising and content dissemination. However, the visual appeal of your content on these platforms can be hindered by lengthy, unwieldy URLs. Thankfully, URL masking presents a solution by converting these cumbersome links into shorter, prettier versions.

This aesthetic refinement imparts your content and links a cleaner and more attractive appearance. In doing so, it has the potential to enhance user engagement significantly, amplifying the impact of your digital presence on social media platforms.

URL masking, in essence, empowers you to present a more polished and inviting image to your audience in the online world.

Affiliate Marketing

When it comes to affiliate marketing, the efficacy of tracking links is pivotal. These links diligently observe user actions, ultimately rewarding marketers with well-earned commissions. However, a persistent challenge arises when users attempt to manipulate these links, aiming to bypass the commission system. To fortify our affiliate marketing efforts against such efforts, we turn to the use of masked URLs.

 Masked URLs serve as a protective shield, discreetly concealing the actual affiliate links beneath a user-friendly facade. This strategic concealment not only safeguards the integrity of the affiliate marketing program but also guarantees that affiliates receive their justly earned commissions.

By seamlessly incorporating masked URLs into our affiliate marketing strategy, we maintain the equilibrium of fairness and precision within the affiliate marketing ecosystem. This approach ensures that both marketers and affiliates can confidently engage in affiliate activities, knowing that their efforts will be duly rewarded while fostering trust and transparency in the affiliate marketing arena.

Promotional Campaigns

Effective promotion involves engaging audiences through various channels, including offline methods. URL masking proves invaluable in this context by simplifying the process. It enables concise and memorable links in QR codes, printed materials, and offline advertisements.

This efficient approach facilitates user engagement, as individuals can effortlessly type or recall the URL. Consequently, URL masking seamlessly bridges the gap between offline and online marketing efforts.

It ensures that your message reaches the intended audience smoothly across several mediums, enhancing the effectiveness of your promotional campaigns and strengthening your brand's visibility.

Temporary Sharing

In many situations, you may need to share files, documents, or resources with others for a limited duration. URL expiration provides a straightforward solution to this common challenge. By specifying an expiration date for a link, you can grant temporary access to your intended recipients without the hassle of manually revoking access later.

This functionality is precious for time-sensitive collaborations, allowing you to control access to crucial information while ensuring data security and compliance.

With URL expiration, you maintain the upper hand in managing your online resources effectively and securely, simplifying your collaborative efforts.

Content Control

Certain materials have fleeting relevance regarding online content—think of limited-time promotions or event registrations. In such cases, retaining control over access becomes imperative. Here, URL expiration emerges as the solution to effective content management.

You establish a digital countdown by setting an expiration date for a URL. Once that predetermined moment arrives, access to the content is automatically revoked. This feature serves as a digital gatekeeper, ensuring users cannot revisit or view content that has outlived its utility.

For businesses, this level of content control holds immense value. It allows them to orchestrate their online presence precisely, aligning content availability with marketing strategies. In the context of time-sensitive campaigns, URL expiration guarantees that promotional materials vanish when they should, fostering a sense of urgency and encouraging conversions.

Moreover, it safeguards against inadvertent distribution of outdated information, enabling companies to maintain message consistency and uphold brand integrity.

Masking your links is easy and convenient. Several shorteners online will do it for free. However, make sure to use a trusted shortener. Avoid using no-name shorteners as they come with risks like data breaches and software instability. is the shortener of our choice. It's trusted worldwide by massive brands and ensures the highest level of privacy. Here's a quick tutorial on how to mask your links with

  1. Access your account.
  2. Select the 'Link cloaking' icon to create a shortened link.

(If you've previously generated a URL, click the pencil icon and navigate to the "Link cloaking" tab.)

  1. Activate link cloaking by toggling the switch.
  1. Save your changes by clicking the "Save" button.

And that's it! With four easy steps, you've successfully masked your links with

If you're also interested in all the advantages of adding expiries to your links, also offers this feature! Here's how to do it:

  1. Create a new shortened link, similar to step 2 above. Alternatively, you can click on the pencil icon to edit an existing link.
  2. Select the clock icon or Temporary URL to add an expiry date or click limit. You can also set an Expiration URL where your short link will redirect once it expires.
  1. Press Save.

If you want to know more, check out this detailed tutorial on how to add link expiration.

Even More from

If you think link expiration and masking are impressive, wait til you hear about Geotargeting, A/B Testing, Mobile Targeting, etc. These remarkable features (and more) are ready and available in Check out and see what other features can help you boost your brand!

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