How Short Links Improve Your Website SEO |

The typical website structure contains the main page (landing), and subpages. For correct site architecture, remember to use the right keywords. This helps robots to rank your website correctly, targeting different keywords on the sub-pages.

However, if the page URLs are correct for search robots, they may not be attractive for users.

How do short links help website SEO?

The next step after creating a website is its promotion. Thanks to the attractiveness, short links help to redirect users to the long URLs. If you decide to promote a page, you can use UTM-tags to track the traffic. The link may look like:

However, with short links, you may hide UTM-tags and make your link short and informative:


Such kind of links increase website SEO thanks to the shortness and internal settings, for example, UTM-tags.

Other steps of creating succesful short links:

1. Create a custom domain.

Branding is an inevitable step, which lets increase the trust and recognition. The long link is replaced with branded one, which directly describes your company. The brand trustworthiness leads to CTR increasing, and CTR leads to high website search positions.

2. Configure a slug.

Add keywords to a slug to help search engines to index and rank pages correctly.

For example, you are going to promote an article about the importance of an URL slug. The title of your page is “7 reasons why URL slug is important for website SEO.” Any blog service will automatically create a slug like “7-reasons-why-url-slug-is-important-for-website-SEO.” However, this kind of slug may confuse both Google and users.

Therefore, optimize a slug by including only the main keywords. A slug may look like “slug-importance.” This is a brief and clear version. Search robots may easily understand by which keywords you want to rank the page.

3. Distribute link juice.

Internal linking is a method of internal website optimization, performed to distribute the reference weight of the website to the pages being promoted. Using short links may fasten link juice indexing.

An internal link is a clue for search engines. It improves the indexation of all the web pages of your resource. Remember to include a few links; don’t spam your web page. If there are many internal links, search robots will consider them as spam. As a result, your website may lose its positions.

Short links are considered to be easy-to-share. You may send a short link to any social network at once after its creation. The more shares you make, the more clicks you get. Thanks to the shortness, vanity links are more likely to be clicked.


Vanity links are a powerful tool towards brand promotion and improving website ranking. Thanks to being an attention getter, users are more likely to click on the short links. With a custom domain and configured slug, links don’t look like spam and tell people about the content. Search robots compare keywords in slugs with users’ search queries. If they are the same, the site is increased in ranking.

With, you have a chance to add/buy a custom domain, and then edit a slug. You can also add UTM-parameters, which will be hidden with a short link. This is useful, as all the necessary steps are in one place.

The article is about:

  • Website SEO.
  • How to increse website positions.
  • Short links help to improve SEO.
  • Customize a slug for better SEO.
  • Custom domains provide CTR increasing.

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