introduces some updates over the last two weeks. Learn the details about the new releases below.
1. Deep links.
Universal Mobile Links let you redirect users directly to your app after clicking a short link. This is available for both iOS and Android.
Users click a short link, and if they have your mobile app installed, they are redirected to the app. If not, they are routed to the browser page.
To set up the feature, go to "Deep Links" tab on your dashboard.
2.Pricing page.
Completely redesigned Pricing Page now contains a comparison of pricing plans. It allows you to differ plans and choose one that suits you best.
3. Email reminder.
In case your credit card expires soon, you'll get a reminder by the email.
What did you learn?
- Universal mobile links are on
- Redirect user derictly to your app.
- Pricing page redesign.
- Compare features on each price plan.
- Email reminders.
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