provides detailed statistics that perfectly fits basic needs. It helps to determine the target audience, the best time for sharing links, and to track the most successful links and domains. Here’s the list metrics with detailed explanation.
Perfect Timing Frames provides the metrics for determining the time when a link was clicked.
1. Date Range
The date range is the field at the top of the window that lets you choose the specific date for tracking. Pre-built date range enables viewing statistics by particular timeframes.

You have some options to select from:
Last week.
Last 7 days.
This month.
Previous month.
Last 30 days.
From beginning.
If you need another period, different from the pre-built one, select “Custom” to set up a personal custom date range. The custom range has an MM/DD/YYYY date format. Filtering results by date is used for in-depth analysis of the link or domain success.
2. Timezone statistics allow you to update the time zone individually for a domain or link, what is perfect if your target audience is located in different areas of the world.

The timezone allows creating and tracking short links in different spots of the world. This helps while traveling as you can change a timezone depending on the country. Just click a drop-down list and choose the needed location.
3. Click statistics.
The bar chart displays the domain or link clicks. When hovering over a column, the date and number of clicks are displayed.

Top Charts
By tracking the metrics below, you investigate the target audience more precisely. There are some categories for the primary description: a browser from which a click was made, country, city, referrer, social networks, and operating system.
Operating system. You can compare the number of users that use Windows vs. users that use Linux. The results are displayed in the pie chart.
Top browsers – a list of browsers from which users came to your links. They’re displayed in descending order of clicks. => Click Details to view the full list of browsers.
Top countries –a list of countries from which visitors clicked links. They’re displayed in descending order of clicks => Click Details to view the location map and the full list of countries.
Top cities – a list of cities from which users came to your website. They’re displayed in descending order. => Click Details to view the full list of cities.
Top Referrers - web addresses from which redirects to a web page were made. This is used to identify sources of traffic. Top Referrers also include social referrers. => Click Details to view the full list of referrers.
Top social referrers indicates social referrer sources only.
Link Effectiveness
Statistics Table. The table that shows statistical components is helpful because it automatically counts analytical values. For example, a metric’s evolution over time shows how the link/domain growth has changed compared to the previous period. Values are displayed in percentage. Thanks to that, you can monitor effectiveness with just a single indicator.
Top links – the short links that are the most clickable => Click Details to view the full list of links.
Top mediums – a UTM-parameter that lets you track the type of traffic or which tool a visitor used to get it. For example, utm_medium= social, utm_medium= paid, utm_medium=top_social, utm_medium=top_paid.
Top sources – a UTM-parameter that lets you track where the traffic is coming from. For example, utm_source=linkedin or utm_source=facebook.
Top campaigns – a UTM-parameter that lets you track the actual campaign that brings you traffic. For example, utm_campaign=launch-product or utm_campaign=promo-code.

Statistics Limits
You can view the detailed statistics on the Free Plan only for the first 50,000 clicks. After the number of all clicks exceeds 50,000, continues collecting statistics but restricts the ability to see it. Important: All short links you created are kept safe and work properly. Features
DiscoverWhat did you learn?
- statistical metrics
- detailed statistics on
- how to track short links effectively
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