Many factors can influence a social media marketing campaign; therefore, you need to learn some core rules for a successful content building.

1. Update your content regularly.

Permanent content updating raises the trust in search engines towards a resource. The search robots will visit your site more often. Therefore, new posts/articles will be indexed more frequently, and as a result, they will get first search engine positions faster.

Allocate articles for equal periods (for example, one article for one month), and publish them at regular intervals.

2. Create unique content.

Unique content is necessary for raising search engine ranking. In case a search robot finds a plagiarized article, it will index it, but it decreases the search engine position. Each website has its keywords that help users to find relevant content. For this, you should use keywords based on your company. Furthermore, a search robot can ban a website with too much plagiarism.

3. Use short links when you post articles to social networks.

Short links attract users thanks to shortness, which increases brand trust and recognition. Customers at once know where they will be redirected; therefore, it makes them click on the link. Using short links in comparison with long ones increases CTR by up to 160%.

4. Create relevant content.

Relevance is a measure that helps a user to determine the article correspondence in comparison with the query. The article content should meet users’ demands, and answer their potential questions. To create relevant content, you need to learn the target audience and their interests. After the article is published, analyze its traffic. This lets you understand which articles are the most exciting and relevant to your customers.

Regarding SEO, relevant content is a necessary demand for Google. As relevance is one more factor for ranking, pay attention to it.

5. Create a content-plan.

The content plan is a list of the article themes that will be published to your website within a particular period. Besides, the plan includes the date of each post and time. Usually, the content plan is created for one month. This is an average period for which you can pick actual content for users. The content plan helps to write regular, relevant, and task-oriented articles.

6. Stay devoted to the tone of voice of your brand.

If you want to create your brand, forget about the long list of your product advantages. You need to focus your efforts on the consumer's views towards your brand (how users see your brand described in one word). Furthermore, the main characteristics of the brand should always remain unchanged.
Only persistence will allow you to lay the foundation for a powerful brand.

7. Respond to all feedback.

Even negative feedback can have positive aspects. It is necessary to consider each new piece of negative feedback as a source of change and further development for the company. Feedback from the audience can give us meaningful information about how to improve the quality of products or services.

By responding to negative reviews, you will show that you are not afraid to admit your mistakes and are ready to correct all of the faults in your service. It also proves that you can adequately react to adverse circumstances.


Following these rules will help you to improve the quality of your content marketing. They will not only skyrocket your sales but will also boost your traffic and brand recognition.