Google Sheets and Zap

Google Sheets and Zap

Google is an enormous web-space with its separate features and assignment.
It is mostly known as a massive search engine with googles of answers.
Through years, Google ushers in new and new tools and today it is thought to be one of the greatest web-company.

Besides Google as a search system, it provides internet users with a vast choice of necessary tools and platforms. The main advantage is that all programs are connected to the personal account what means that you may access your data in any world spot.

Among Google tools are no less important one – Google Sheets. It’s like Microsoft Office Excel. Only while developing Google Sheets, developers focused on three main barriers making Excel not so beneficial.

The first is time. You don't need to transport document to the Internet. Google Sheets exist directly in the web world.

The second is access. While working on the project in Google Sheets, open access to your teammates for cooperative work. When somebody edits a document, updates will be saved at once. It means that you may work together from different places.

The third is statistics. With some instruments, Google Sheets provide an easy way to see the site statistics at a glance. If tracking links with Google Sheets pair them with Google extensions, thus it will bring better results. and Google Sheets Zap

An important combination has been launched recently.
Thanks to impressive Zapier app various services may be put together.
So new Zap with Google Sheets and has appeared.

This Zap is highly recommended for those, who use Google Sheets with the statistics aim or something like that, using long URLs in the document.
Thus, is capable of shortening long URLs automatically in some clicks.

How does it work?

If somebody edits an existed long link in the Google Sheets, it will automatically appear in dashboard as a short branded link. That allows immediately share a new short link with social network audience.
You should choose a sheet and a row with a long link from where will take URLs for shortening. Then choose a domain with which will create links. Even if a long link will be edited, the new short branded link will be created. Thanks to this feature, you will have a constant flow of short links, which will give a chance to use them correctly. and Google Sheets Zap itself looks simple, but for quicker Zap configuring watch a video guide below. It will let you сlearly see the work process.

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