Say Hello to the Changelog

Say Hello to the Changelog

Every two weeks, we on published the "What's New" articles that assisted our customers and blog visitors to dive into the life of the service and discover the updates — however, optimization matters. Starting last week, we implemented a Changelog to the website. Now all the updates, including new features, improvements, and bug fixes, will be presented in the changelog.

What is the Changelog?

A changelog is a list of records that contains sequentially ordered changes to the project. The changelog usually includes such updates as bug fixes, new features, and improvements.


The Advantages of the Changelog

Taking statistical data and the latest trends into consideration, launched the changelog, which differs from the previous method of news introduction. Let's consider the benefits:

1. Users are notified directly on the dashboard, guaranteeing that a higher percentage of customers will notice the message.


2. When the software changes, people want to know why and how.
3. For developers, managing a changelog is easier. It operates automatically with software or a web-based tool.
4. Sharing updates on Twitter. Those who aren't users can learn about the changes from the social network.


The article is about:

  • news updates and releases
  • changelog for short links
  • how to be notified about new features

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