Video Metrics Worth Tracking

Video Metrics Worth Tracking

Many services are accepting the increasing boom of video marketing to develop their businesses. Launching a video marketing is just the first step of success. The question is how you can tell if your business videos are taking off?

All of us hope that the efforts we exert into marketing will help our business. However, if we do not track the primary video metrics, we can’t know for sure. It can feel like your video content is helping, but our gut feeling isn’t always correct.

To make sure the marketing videos are helping the business achieve the goals, you need specific indicators. Most of the companies end up on tracking just views, ignoring other metrics like CTR, watch time and audience retention.

Get to know about the 6 video metrics to track when you promote a video. Measuring a video success by tracking these metrics will let you know whether your videos are promoting your brand or not.

6 Video Metrics Worth Tracking

Here are the 7 primary metrics which help track your video content success as soon as a video goes live. Learn about the parameters below.

1. View count

View count is the simplest and accessible metric. It reflects the number of times a video has been watched. Having chosen this metric for tracking, be attentive on how each social media calculates the number of views.

YouTube: Counts a view after 30 seconds watch. Each time the same user watches a video, YouTube counts as a +1 view.

Facebook: Facebook videos are played automatically in a user’s newsfeed. It counts a view after 3 seconds watch.

Twitter: Count a view at least after 3 seconds watch.

Vimeo: Counts a view when a user clicks the video play button on Vimeo or the site where it’s embedded.

2. Watch time

Watch time is the duration a user have spent watching a video. It lets understand the rate your video is engaging for people. Watch time allows measuring the appropriate video length. If you have 2 videos of similar length, you can understand which type of content your followers are interested more.

3. Retention of audience

The metric is displayed as a graph, which shows the number of views at each point of your video. A decrease in curve indicates the point when users stop watching your video.

4. Click-through rate

CTR is a ratio of users who visited your website to users who viewed a video on the site. CTR reflects the interest of users in your videos. The more clicks a video has, the more interesting the content is for users. In addition to increased traffic, Google often encourages websites with a higher ranking.

5. Conversion

Conversion is the number of actions you get after users watched a video. It might be a channel subscription, website redirects, filling the form, making a purchase, and so on.

This metric is tough to track, so you will need some additional service to integrate with your video host. It can be Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager.

6. Share

Social sharing represents the number of times people share your video to social media: linking to the video, retweeting a post, or sharing your Facebook post.

The number of social sharing let increase not only the engagement level, but bot also to improve the level of reach. According to social media, half of video view times is reached thanks to shares.

So, how do you think? Which metric is the most important for tracking video success?

What did you learn?

  • Metrics to measure in video marketing.
  • How to measure the video success.
  • Why to you need to measure video success.

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