Web Security Tips Every Small Business Needs

Web Security Tips Every Small Business Needs

There’s nothing small about owning a “small business.” You may not have the size or the breadth of a Fortune 500 company, but running any business is a big endeavor. Part of what makes your job so big is that you have to go beyond the basics if you want to build a business that’s prepared for growth — and that’s sustainable long term. This is true in everything you do, and when it comes to your website, it means you need more than basic security measures.


Think Big

Even though you’re running a small business, the key to growth is to think big. Working with Short.io is a smart strategy for boosting your business branding in the same ways a larger company would. And while you focus on what your business needs to grow, don’t make the mistake of assuming that security isn’t a concern at the size you are now.

You may think hackers are more likely to go after the bigger fish, but in actuality, cybercriminals often look at small businesses as being more vulnerable. Or as Entrepreneur explains, some attacks are simply random. So, instead of assuming your website won’t be attacked, the more accurate scenario is to assume that it will.

This may sound like a scary reality, but when you think more like a big business (and take the same kinds of security measures), you can reduce your risk significantly. Along with developing a data security policy, adopting a digital transformation strategy is a smart approach that will do even more to enhance your web security.

If you’re new to the concept of digital transformation, the basic idea is to incorporate the next level of digital innovation into your web operations. With the use of technologies like automation and artificial intelligence, you’re truly transforming all aspects of the way you do business, which includes not only the customer experience but also security. For example, machine learning makes the process of network monitoring more proactive (rather than reactive), enabling you to find threats and prevent breaches before they happen.

Secure Your Website with SSL

One essential step to making your website more secure is to ensure that it’s encrypted with SSL. SSL is short for Standard Sockets Layer, and getting an SSL certificate (along with an https prefix) serves several purposes. An SSL certificate protects any personal information you collect from customers, while at the same time, it also helps protect your own data. If you don’t yet have SSL encryption, Short.io provides SSL certificates for short links for free. You can be sure that your short links modify the web pages as necessary.

Reduce Vulnerabilities

Even with the most advanced strategies, like digital transformation and having an SSL certificate, business owners should still take the time to seek out and reduce vulnerabilities in your website. For example, using old versions of software, such as WordPress themes and third-party plugins, leaves your site prone to hackers. But updating themes, plugins, and the latest PHP version for your site reduces the risk that your code will be hacked. It’s also essential that you use a trusted company for web hosting because a good company will have these security processes built into their services.

Adopt Strong Security Practices

Along the same lines, having the most advanced security technology is no replacement for using best practices on a human level. At a minimum, this means having a process forbacking up data, plus security policies that all employees abide by. Make sure all employees create secure passwords and change them frequently. You can also use a password manager to make this process simpler.

These simple procedures may seem basic compared to the technology available today. In reality, it takes a combination of smart decision making and the latest advancements to stay on top of security. Remember, your business may be small, but your security needs aren’t, so don’t sell yourself short by underestimating what it takes to make your site as safe as possible.

Guest Post
Author Cody McBride

What did you learn?

  • how to protest website
  • is short.io safe
  • short.io providess SSL certificate
  • short HTTPS links for free
  • secure website

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